Niva and Dux

These two are characters from a novel I'm working on called Titans|Divinity, where newly arrived Humans are the ruling power over the indigenous races of what is now know as "Titan Space".

Titans themselves are extremely powerful, relentless, and ruthless in protecting Human interests.

I created these characters in Daz Studio, using Blender for some of their suit paraphernalia and accoutrements. The scene was textured, lit and rendered in Blender. This was another one where I had to user Render Street for the final render, because with the volumetrics enabled my computer didn't want to render the scene in a reasonable time.

There's trouble here somewhere, Niva thinks. They wouldn't send her if there wasn't trouble. And sending someone as strong as Dux with her, it had to be big trouble.

That's what Titans do. Stamp out trouble, and keep the galaxy safe...for Humans.

There's trouble here somewhere, Niva thinks. They wouldn't send her if there wasn't trouble. And sending someone as strong as Dux with her, it had to be big trouble.

That's what Titans do. Stamp out trouble, and keep the galaxy safe...for Humans.

I didn't quite like these poses, so I ended up tweaking them a bit.

I didn't quite like these poses, so I ended up tweaking them a bit.

A close-to-final render, where I didn't have the volumetric effects where I wanted them yet.

A close-to-final render, where I didn't have the volumetric effects where I wanted them yet.

Ambient occlusion pass rendered out separately for compositing in Photoshop.

Ambient occlusion pass rendered out separately for compositing in Photoshop.

The scene as set up in Blender.

The scene as set up in Blender.