The Punisher

I had a lot of the early Punisher appearances, back in Spectacular Spider-Man or Daredevil, and I really liked the character, but I ended up skipping the vast majority of the stories when the character was white-hot in the 90's. Mostly because I was in college and just couldn't afford it.

I didn't get back into it until the Garth Ennis Max stuff, which I thought was awesome. Down to Earth, no super-people and nothing too out there, just the sort of brutality everyday people can come up with.

That said, I also loved the "Franken-Castle" stuff when he had his grudge match with Wolverine's son Daken. I didn't think I would like it, but it was so crazy I had to love it.

These days I'm not really into the comics, but I loved the character on the Daredevil show, and I'm looking forward to his own series.

This piece was done in Daz Studio and some Photoshop post-work.

A man driven over the edge by the loss of his family, Frank Castle now lies in wait for criminal scum so he can delivery the type of brutal, usually fatal, punishment he's become known and feared for.

A man driven over the edge by the loss of his family, Frank Castle now lies in wait for criminal scum so he can delivery the type of brutal, usually fatal, punishment he's become known and feared for.

One of the first renders. I thought it was way too bright.

One of the first renders. I thought it was way too bright.

A linework render made with PW Toon.

A linework render made with PW Toon.

A shadow only render of just the character part of the art.

A shadow only render of just the character part of the art.

The scene as set up in Daz Studio.

The scene as set up in Daz Studio.